Common Senior Dental Issues and How to Care For Them

Around six years ago, the ADHA, short for American Dental Hygienist Association, along with Wrigley, the company well known for their chewing gum, created what is called National Dental Hygiene Month. The focus of this month was meant to help children learn how to care for their teeth and gum. However, as time passed, it was a reminder to everyone, regardless of age, of the importance of good dental care, especially when it comes to seniors.

Senior dental care is especially important. This is because, as we age, a lot of oral problems may arise more frequently. Today, we want to talk about the dental issues that seniors typically face, along with what can be done to help address these problems:

Common Senior Dental Issues

1. Oral Cancer

This is one of the most common issues that seniors face. As we age, it is easy to have vulnerable tissue because of our weakened immune system. This is why it is important to have a good dental checkup and oral cancer screening on a regular basis, as early as possible.

2. Root Decay 

This occurs when the tooth has untreated decay on the root. It is known to be hard to detect and treat and usually goes unnoticed until it is quite advanced. This is why it is important to schedule regular dental checkups, especially for seniors.

3. Gum Disease 

This is also related to decay if there is no decay on the tooth, then there is no chance for the tooth to rot. When the gum becomes inflamed, and the tissue starts to recede, it causes swelling in the bone, gum, and ligaments. The first symptom of this issue is bleeding from the gums, but as the disease gets worse, it can be accompanied by bad breath and loose teeth.

4. Dental Abscess 

This is an infection that is usually caused by a tooth that has been infected. It is characterized by swelling, pain, and redness. Sometimes there may also be pus that oozes from the infected area.

How To Support Dental Care For Seniors

It is important to seek regular dental care, especially for seniors. As such, to help you promote dental care for seniors, here are a couple of things you can do.

First off, you can schedule routine dental appointments for your seniors. If they are immunocompromised, are more comfortable at home or are not able get out as easily, schedule an appointment in the comfort of their home. This is now possible through MobileDent on-site dental hygiene. That way, they can have a professional cleaning their teeth twice or more a year, and they can also catch any problems early on.

Second, you can include antibacterial mouthwash along with good dental hygiene habits, as the mouthwash can reach areas a toothbrush may have a hard time reaching.

Third and finally, promoting a better diet such as keeping sugar intake low, avoiding alcohol, drinking more water, and having enough calcium can all help seniors improve their oral health significantly.


As you can see, senior dental care is a lot more important than you may have thought. Thankfully, there is no reason why you cannot do anything to help support your loved ones. Even if you cannot get them to think of their dental health, you can bring it up yourself! So, be sure to support your senior's dental health by helping them schedule routine appointments, including easy ways to keep their mouth clean and more. In doing so, they can enjoy better oral health, which helps them to make more out of life!

MobileDent is a dental hygiene service provider that brings quality care straight to homes and businesses. If you are looking for dental services in Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga and the GTA for your seniors, get in touch with us today!


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